about us
our coach and trainer is professional, experienced and enjoys his work.
About Kris
Kris, a native of Belgium, was a top tennis player in his country, before starting his coaching career, he was twice champion of Belgium on the 400m track and field athletics, and selected for the Olympic Games in 1988 in Seoul.
He is living in Spain now and he is organizing tennis/padel trips for beginners as well as advanced level players.
Now with over more than 35 years experience in the tennis/padel industry, he has significant coaching facilities and staff management skills. In addition he speaks 7 languages. Flemish, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Catalan.
He is a very passionate, highly motivated, and driven coach/manager who delivers high quality tennis/padel programmes, adult coaching as well as club team coaching.
The succes of his trips is the perfect mix between tennis/padel training and culture excursions, ATP visits and this all this in a fantastic environment.
Kris prefers small groups, (6-12 pers ), so he can give his personal touch on your fantastic trip.
He welcomes you on one of his destinations.